How to Select a Battery Charger

Even though spring boating season is around the corner and boaters will be using their boats more frequently, battery chargers are needed to maintain and condition a battery. A well maintained battery will help you get your money’s worth. A battery’s life span can be greatly shortened, when the battery charge drops below 50%. Today’s […]

AVOID COSTLY EXPENSES BY FOLLOWING THESE BOAT STORAGE MAINTENANCE TIPS Prevention is key in keeping your boat running smoothly. What better time than the Fall Season to start preparing your boat for Springs busy boating season. Proper storage along with attending those hidden service issues will prevent costly repairs. The following services will maintain your […]
How Long May My Outboard Engine Last?

Remember this: (Maintenance +Regular Use= longevity) I came across an interesting article that, in my option will help answer the above question. The article was put out by Yamaha Motor Corporation. The performance of two Yamaha F150 of 2005, one of them new and the other with 8,700 operating hours were tested. The results: The […]

Boating Season is here; are you ready? Is your boat ready, when you are? Then, start by utilizing your senses to perform a free inspection of your boat and motor. Start by removing your engine cover. Check fuel filters, starting with the water separator filter in the boat and, then the in-line filter at the […]

MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE CHOOSING YOUR MARINE BATTERY The Hybrid Technology (dual purpose) battery is a good choice for the outboard engine application. This battery has the characteristics of both a high performance cranking and a deep cycle battery. This type of battery has many inner thick plates like a deep cycle battery. These inner […]
How To Change Your Outboard Lower Unit Oil

How To Change Your Outboard Lower Unit Oil The lower-unit is vital to the over-all performance of your boat. Lubrication is the key factor in controlling the extreme pressure exerted inside an outboard engine’s lower-unit. The lower unit’s oil creates a film around the internal parts of the lower unit, avoiding high temperatures that can […]
The Silent Intruder-In Your Engine

Why are boats having more problems than automotives? Cars are tolerant due to their enclosed/sealed fuel system and usage. Boats fuel tanks are ventilated, larger in capacity, operated, and mostly stored in a wet environment. Ethanol molecules are more attracted to water than gasoline. When water (H2O) is not present, ethanol and gasoline bond. But, […]
How To Obtain The Proper Oil Level From Your 4-Stroke Outboard Engine And Replace The Oil.

It is very much like a car. But, keep in mind that the cylinders are configured in a horizontal position, not vertical. The outboard engine design, pools oil behind the pistons, and in a variety of castings, surfaces inside the block. Before checking oil level, tilt the engine at least half tilt, and wait five […]
Tips For The New Season

Tips For The New Season For engine/boating question: E-mail us at [email protected] Happy Boating, J. AlbertoJA outboard Service